Why Does the PASeq Window Look Empty?

The Paint Action Sequence (PASeq) palette has a set of vertical splitter controls that allow you to reposition the PASeq list and associated timeline. It's also possible to accidentally pull them all the way to the right side of the window so that all of the contents of the PASeq window are hidden. This seems to be an issue for some windows customers. The windows PAseq window would look like this attached emptyPASeq.jpg screen shot if you are running into this problem.

 The solution to this problem is very simple. Just mouse down in the far right side of the PASeq window, and then pull on the vertical splitter control to the left. This will pull the contents of the PASeq window into view.

It is also possible you may see the same issue with the contents of the MSG Advanced Editor. Again, mousing down on the vertical splitter control on the far right side of the window and then pulling it to the left will pull the window contents into view.

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